In my experience, they don't have any bullets in their gun. They are nothing other than paper tigers and its wet paper tigers at that.
You have to speak out the minute you discern a deal-breaking falsehood. I did and just got told I was loved. Of course they didn't mean it. They just want to string you along.
If in truth, if you have family members who want you to stick with something so sick and silly, its like having family members who want you to remain on the Titanic while its sinking. Personally I'd rather get in the life-boat and push off.
In pushing off, you know what the others are like - some will tut and pull faces like they are sucking lemons, but other work it out and realise you are right. Which ones exactly? The ones that have common sense.
But if you don't have the courage of your commitment to walk, you stay in the trap. Then you can feel bullied because you don't have freedom of speech. Say it how it is, be polite and kind but tell them straight.